Use this calculator to determine how much house you can afford. By entering details about your income, down payment, and monthly debts, you can estimate the mortgage amount that works with your budget.
You can afford a home up to: $0
Your debt-to-income ratio is 36%
Quite affordable.
View Affordable Properties
Payment Breakdown:
$0 Month

Annual Income:

This is the combined annual income for you and your co-borrower. Include all income before taxes, including base salary, commissions, bonuses, overtime, tips, rental income, investment income, alimony, child support, etc.

Down Payment:

The down payment can range from 3.5% to 20%+ and depends on each applicant's specific situation and loan terms. Your down payment reduces the total amount of your mortgage loan, so the more money you put down, the lower your monthly payments will be - or the more expensive a house you can buy.

Other Monthly Debts:

Include all recurring monthly debt payments you and the co-borrower are paying each month. These include but are not limited to: minimum monthly required credit card payments, car payments, student loan payments, alimony/child support payments, any house payments (rent or mortgage) other than the new mortgage you are seeking, rental property maintenance, and other personal loans with periodic payments.

Loan Term:

Your loan program can affect your interest rate and monthly payments. Choose from 30-year fixed, 15-year fixed, and more in the calculator.

Interest Rate:

This field is pre-filled with the current average mortgage rate. Your actual rate will vary based on factors like credit score and down payment.

Property Tax

The mortgage payment calculator includes estimated property taxes based on the home's value. You can edit this in the advanced options.

Home Insurance:

Home insurance or homeowners insurance is typically required by lenders, depending on the loan program. You can edit this number in the mortgage calculator advanced options.

Condo/HOA Fees:

A homeowners association fee (HOA fee) is an amount of money that must be paid monthly by owners of certain types of residential properties, and HOAs collect these fees to assist with maintaining and improving properties in the association.



Chris Clay

Idaho | Washington Realtor®

Idaho | Washington Realtor®


